Basic User Command Guide

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This page includes frequently commands regular players on OSM may use.
Most of these also apply to other spaces.


  • /list -- Shows all players currently online. Regular players can't use /who and /online.
  • /bal -- Checks current balance.
  • /pay <username> <amount> -- Pay a specified player from one's own account balance.
  • /yesmounts and /nomounts -- Turn player mounts on and off. When they are off, you can't be mounted or mount other players.
  • /sd timer -- Display how long is left until the server's next automated restart.


  • /landmark and/or /lmk -- Used for going to towns, monuments, farms, tournament areas, etc., that have a landmark set.
  • /help <page> -- Lists currently usable commands. Useful for knowing stuff if you forgot the function/name of some commands.
  • /home <name> -- Teleports to a specified home. Lists currently set homes if no home is specified.
  • /sethome <name> -- Sets a home (personal teleport/warp point).
  • /delhome <home> -- Delete a specified home/warp point. /!\ Warning: Cannot be undone!
  • /spawn -- Teleport to spawn.
  • /warp <name> -- Teleport to any location deemed important by staff. Lists available warps if used without specifying a warp.
  • /tpa <username> -- Requests specified player to be teleported to them.
  • /tpahere <username> -- Requests specified player to be teleported to your location.
  • /tpyes or /tpno -- Accepts or declines teleport request


  • /balancetop -- Lists players based on who has the most money.
  • /seen <username> -- Outputs previous login date, first join date and total playtime of a player.
  • /ptt -- Display the top 10 playtime leader board.


  • !link <username> -- Link your in-game account with your Discord account.
  • !reset -- Reset your in-game password.
  • !auth -- Bypass the /login command and authenticate yourself in-game.