Basic User Command Guide
This page includes all Commands the Normal OSM player might use.
- "/Landmark", "/lmk"
Used for going to Towns, Monuments, Farms, and Tournament areas that have a Landmarks setup.
- "/List"
Shows all Players online.
- "/bal"
Used to check your OSM money balance.
- "/pay (Player Name)"
Used to pay other players from your OSM account balance.
- "/home"
Used to go to any homes you have setup.
- "/sethome (home name)"
used to set a home that you want to teleport back to.
- "/delhome (home name)"
Used to delete any homes you have setup.
- "/spawn"
Used to teleport back to spawn.
- "/warp (warp location)"
Used to teleport to any location the is deemed important by admins.
- "/help"
Used to get help about any commands you don't how to use or don't know what it is.
Other Commands:
- "/balancetop"
Used to see who has the most amount of Balance.