- was founded by ItsVollx, mmakart, Archie, PH6
- founded on January 2024
- Town Coordinates: X:8941 Z:2703
- Town has a landmark, Can be accessed by writing /lmk legendtown
While the Town hasn't seen much Life recently, it has some incredibles builds, with the best being the Large Pit and Glass Dome.
The Pit took 3 years to mine out, and reaches from the top being Y:64 to the bottom being at Y:7, the person responsible for the Pit is itsVollx who mined 98% of it alone and had some but not much help from a handful of players.
Above the Pit there is a Giant Glass Dome, it's very tall reaching from the bottom Y:64 to the top being Y:126, this impressive build was built by mmakart which took about 2 days total build time.
You can also find some other smaller builds, like houses, animals, and pixel art.
LegendTown also has an Anime Tier list if you're interested.