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About Me


Also known as: "Leow", "Leo" & "sn0wday"

Join Date: 2019

Position: Administrator

My job on Old School Minecraft is mainly to do with current affairs and moderation, I have helped in the past in organising and hosting events in-game and on Discord. I also manage many of the social accounts associated with OSM such as the YouTube and TikTok accounts.

History of Old School Minecraft

I had the inspiration to create a beta back in late 2017, as I was part of the Beta Minecraft community at the time, playing on a server called BetaLands. I came up with the name "Old School Minecraft" as at the time I was really into the game Old School Runescape and had wondered why nobody had picked a similar name for a Legacy Minecraft server.

It wouldn't be for another 2 years before any thing of substance came to be with my idea for the server when I actually started work on Old School Minecraft with help from friends "Dan" and "AwesomeGuy584". This server was hosted in Europe and was very buggy, it never got past the early stages and didn't see any players at all.

Screenshot of Early OSM in 2019-03-03

Shortly after attempting to start a Beta server I became friends with moderator_man and we both shared mutual passion in creating a beta server that was mainly vanilla with no towny and would represent beta 1.7.3 closest to how it would've been in 2011. With moderator_mans skill and knowledge with Java and my artist skills and sheer will we managed to create the server you know today as "Old School Minecraft"

Did you know?

Old School Minecraft originally was planned to be a mod for beta 1.7.3 that would follow the path of Notch and would add features to 1.7.3 that we thought closely matched with Notches ideas. This idea was scrapped in favour for a vanilla beta server as we wasn't happy with the current state of beta servers at the time.