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  • Founder and current owner: BirchIsBad
  • Approximate founding date: Nov. 2023
  • Coordinates of town: X: 32915, Y: 68 Z: 41113
  • Current amount of ACTIVE players living in SkullTown: 10

SkullTown is a town on OSM, Founded in November of 2023. SkullTown, although small in player count, is a very interesting and fun town to visit, and even live in if players are looking for a place to live. Built on the shores of small lakes and rivers, SkullTown's landscape makes for some very interesting builds. The building themes of the town are diverse, but mainly revolve around medieval and more modern city looks, making the town very fun to explore. The town includes a mall, train station to get around quickly, and many cool builds to explore. One of the more interesting places to visit in SkullTown is the large-scale field of roses. The town's mall sells a variety of different blocks and items, mainly focusing on blocks used to create and detail builds. The first and second floors of the mall sell these blocks, while the third floor is a selling area, where people can sell their materials in exchange for money. If players are looking for a cozy and fun town to build in, SkullTown may be a good option.

Entrance to SkullTown's underground district

(Last updated 4/8/24) index.php?title=Category:Towns