- was founded by ItsVollx, mmakart, Archie, PH6
- founded on January 2024
- Town Coordinates: X:8941 Z:2703
- Town has a landmark, Can be accessed by writing /lmk legendtown
While the Town hasn't seen much Life recently, it has some incredibles builds, with the best being the Large Pit and Glass Dome.
The Pit took 3 years to mine out, and reaches from the top being Y:64 to the bottom being at Y:7, the person responsible for the Pit is itsVollx who mined 98% of it alone and had some but not much help from a handful of players.
Above the Pit there is a Giant Glass Dome, it's very tall reaching from the bottom Y:64 to the top being Y:126, this impressive build was built by mmakart which took about 2 days total build time.
You can also find some other smaller builds, like houses, animals, and pixel art.
LegendTown also has an Anime Tier list if you're interested.
Photos of The Pit and Glass Dome: